Mount Kailash - The Mystery Remains Unsolved

Aastha Negi

Nov 10, 2018

The ‘Precious Jewel of the Eternal Show’, the ‘heavenly abode of Lord Shiva’, a ‘group of facts’, the ‘sacred mountain’- these are some of the names given to the highly majestic and religious MOUNT KAILASH that is witnessed as the ultimate spiritual stop for all the divine people. Counted amongst the peaks which are spotted in the Kailash ranges extending over India and Tibet, this divine destination is believed to be the home to Lord Shiva where he is engrossed in the eternal meditation accompanied with his wife Parvati as well as his most favoured vehicle NANDI.

Not only the Hindus, but the journey to Mount Kailash holds a prominent significance amongst the Jains, Buddhists and the Bons. Different pilgrims from distinct religions know a different story based on the importance of Mount Kailash. According to the Buddhists it is the home to Lord Buddha and as assumed by the Jains it is the hub where Rishabh who is considered as the propagator of the religion has attained a sense of enlightenment.

Mount Kailash is worldly known as the place where plenty fascinating mysterious activities have occurred and thus, it is a centre of focus for millions of pilgrims all across the globe. It is believed that anyone who is looking forward to climb this peak and reach its top for seeing the faces of gods shall be put to death. Thus, the peak is considered as the one that is unclimbed till now. Situated near many important rivers i.e. Karnali, Sutlej, Brahmaputra as well as Indus, this mountain range is serving as a lifeline to these water bodies at the same time. One shall come across some shocking and also interesting mysteries which are connected with the Mount Kailash and these are listed below. Have a glance:

1. Experiencing the Time travel

It has been claimed by each and every individual who has experienced the KAILASH MANASAROVAR YATRA that the time travel there is really fast as compared to their residential areas. They have witnessed the nail as well as the hair-growth in just 12 hours which normally take a couple of weeks to grow. However, it is said that it is the contribution of the mountain air that is concluding to such development. But, this scenario is not the same with any other hill station situated at higher altitudes, making this an unsolved mystery.

2. Change in its position

It has been notified that Mount Kailash is known as the one changing its position from time to time. The mountain is known to make some changes in the target positions of the climbers who want to climb this peak, however it is still unclimbed. One of the primary reasons for it being unclimbed till now, has been known as its ‘changing position’. This is considered as one of the most intriguing mysteries associated with the MAJESTIC MOUNT KAILASH.

3. Kailash’s Twin Lakes

The RAKSHAS TAL, also known as the Devil Lake and the LAKE MANASAROVAR, also known as the God Lake are clipped in the MOUNT KAILASH, lying with each other but divided by a thin array of the mountains. It looks like as if the mountains have been formed with an intention of showcasing the difference between the good and the bad. This holds a higher importance since they are formed naturally and not due to any man made incident.

4. The Om Parvat

The OM PARVAT is known for the formation of ‘OM’ out of the snow that has capped this mountain and that too is formed naturally. OM is assumed as the most positive and the powerful word that is uttered every time during the religious chanting and also for meditation purposes. Also, during the evening Mount Kailash castes the shadow that shows the formation of a Swastika.

5. World’s Central Axis

Not confirmed but as researched by the eminent scientists, MOUNT KAILASH lies in the Central Axis of the world and is known as the axis mundi. It is known to be the one that is connected with other ranges of the world and that too in an equal distance. It is connected with the Stonehenge at 6666 km, North Pole at 6666 km as well as the South Pole lying 13332km away from the mountain range. Mount Kailash has been mentioned in the Ramayana as well.

6. Unclimbed till now

Mount Kailash that is located at a considerable elevation is unclimbed till now. Even the great mountaineers who were successful in climbing the highest MOUNT EVEREST were unable to reach the top of Mount Kailash. Every climber who has tried to trek this peak have faced some difficulties and thus, have thus, failed to climb it. As believed, this is due to the ‘Mountain regularly changing its positions’.

7. Is it a man / alien made pyramid?

As believed by the varied Russian scientists i.e. the Russian theory, the holy Mount Kailash cannot be considered as a mountain just because its shape is too perfect as well as symmetrical to be formed naturally. Its sides are seen as a highly perpendicular one resembling to that of a cathedral and thus, giving the appearance of a pyramid. However, according to Ernst Muldashev who is a Russian ophthalmologist went on a journey to Mount Kailash along with his team of experts and came to a conclusion that this peak is ‘actually a pyramid’ and also, is the one associated with the pyramids of Giza and Teotihuacan.

8. Home to Lord Shiva

Hindus believe that Mount Kailash is the heavenly abode to the almighty LORD SHIVA where he is indulged in the deep meditation on the top along with his wife Parvati and his beloved vehicle Nandi and that too from the past 21,000 years. One can even notice the Shiva’s face that is protruding out of the Mount Kailash. Thus, this place is carried with an immense importance among the Hindus too.

9. Shape of the Twin Lakes

The Twin lakes of the MOUNT KAILASH i.e. the RAKSHAS TAL (Lake of Devil) and the Lake Manasarovar (Lake of God) show the difference between Good and Bad through the division between them by an array of mountains. But not only this, their shapes also show a difference between the Negative and Positive as the Rakshas Tal is shaped like a crescent moon whereas the Lake Manasarovar is shaped round resembling a full moon.

10. Link between Earth and Heaven

It is mentioned by the Vedas that Mount Kailash acts as a linkage between the Earth and Heaven. The four faces of this mountain range are facing the compass’s four directions. As believed by the Hindus, Jains and the Buddhists, Mount Kailash is the ultimate gateway to heaven. Also, it is considered as the place for the attainment of moksha by the Pandavas who were trekking this peak along with Draupadi.

Thus, as stated above it can be easily confirmed that undoubtedly, Mount Kailash is a hub of mysteries which are unresolved till now and thus, haven’t yet reached an apt conclusion.

11. Climbed by only one person

It is confirmed that Mount Kailash hasn’t been climbed by any mountaineer till now, however as assumed a mystic Tibetan seer who was also a poet namely Milarepa has been the one who was able to climb the unconquerable Mount Kailash. However, it is quite strange to note that the mountaineers who were able to climb the highest Mount Everest have always failed to scale Mount Kailash.

12. Presence of Lord Shiva

It has been confirmed by thousands of devotees that they have felt the presence of the almighty Lord Shiva either by seeing them or noticing their signs of existence. Further, Google Earth has also notified that the shape of the highlands in and around Mount Kailash resemble Lord Shiva. Through the texture, Shiva’s hair, eyes, lips and nose can be pointed out.

13. A geographically correct location

As uttered by the sayings in Ramayana, it has been proved that Mount Kailash’s location is geographically correct. According to some sources, it is assumed that Tibet is a home to two Kailash peaks but on searching for the right one, the apt Mount Kailash is going to pop out on your gadget’s window as a result of your search.

14. Mount Kailash’s four faces

Not similar to other mountain peaks who are accompanied with a rough shape of a cone, Mount Kailash distinctly has four faces i.e. the North, West, South and East. According to the Puranas, Mount Kailash is situated in the centre of the Earth and thus, is responsible for dividing the same into four regions on the basis of some quarters. The Northern Face of holy Mount Kailash appears gold in colour (Golden view) during sunrise and sunset. The Southern Face lets the visitors have a sight of the formation of a shape resembling to the third eye of Lord Shiva and the East and West faces of this mighty and highly revered peak, these can be witnessed by the pilgrims at the time of the INNER KORA.

15. Jains call it as Ashtapad

The religious significance of Mount Kailash is not at all bounded till a single religion and, thus it is also followed and that too ardently by Jainism. As believed, the first Tirthankara of Jains attained salvation here and thus, it is worshipped by Jains and is commonly known as Ashtapad by the people belonging to Jainism.

Thus, as stated above it can be easily confirmed that undoubtedly, Mount Kailash is a hub of mysteries which are unresolved till now and thus, haven’t yet reached an apt conclusion.

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